OK, I know that coverage on THE DARK KNIGHT Batman movie is sort of "old news" now but there are still a ton of people who are HUGE Fans of this film. I know that, personally, I have a kind of "love & hate" feeling about it. I love the movie because it's totally great & was a lot of fun. On the other hand, as a "Batman News Reporter", I had to cover the thing night & day for many months before it even came out. I sort of got totally burned-out on it before it hit the Movie Theater & I remember that when I went to go enjoy the movie I had to sort of shake off all the information I had acquired about it. But, thank God, it was an AWESOME movie!
Now, since some time has gone by I'd like to share these TDK Wallpapers that are pretty cool! The 1st one is Heath Ledger, as The JOKER, driving the School Bus right after the Bank Robbery...a great image & awesome background! The next one is sort of a PROMO portrait of Batman, Two-Face, & The Joker. These were done by a Digital Artist named "Messenjah Matt". He took a ton of photographic images from the movie & then digitized them into graphics that made awesome backgrounds. If you like these 2 examples, then please be sure to visit his website where there are many many more, just click HERE!