OK, Many Bat-Blog Readers send us great photos all the time & I totally appreciate that. I mean, I've always said that if the Bat-Blog is any good at all then it's because of that reason. Here are some great examples: The 1st pic is a recent submission of a "found photo". The guy who sent it said he can't remember the site he found it on but he thought it was pretty funny & knew we would like it. It's a Batman T-Shirt that is a parody of the Apple iPod Advertising. It shows the Dark Knight listening to music on his iPod & it's attached to his bat-belt...hilarious! The next pic was found by our good friend Bob. It's an actual tourist photo of a "Cambodian Batman Taxi". It's a large Bicycle-Cart that is pulled by a Moped Motorcycle. I think they call these things TUK-TUK. There is actually an entire sub-culture revolving around these very unique vehicles. Do a Web-Search sometime & you'll see a ton of great pics. This one, of the "Batmobile Tuk-Tuk" is extremely inventive & it really looks like it would be pretty fun to zoom around town in. If I were on vacation in Cambodia I would totally go for it! The last photo was e-mailed to me the other night & when I opened it I completely cracked-up, ha ha! It's Batman showing the Joker some of his favorite movies he has appeared in & the Joker has a correct response! Well, hopefully you got a good laugh! Now remember, if YOU come across any Silly Batman Material then please share it with us ( unless it's something you created yourself, please let us know "where" you got it ). Our email button is always at the top right-hand side of this page.