OK, here's the deal. I live in Oklahoma City & we never have any decent Comic Book Conventions here. It seems like I always have to travel to Dallas, Texas or somewhere to meet really big stars. So, I'm really excited about the fact that ADAM WEST ( Batman 1966 TV Show ) is going to be in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 26th & 27th. Tulsa is a short little road trip that is about an hour & a 1/2 drive for me...YAH! The funny thing is that he will be at the TREK EXPO which is basically a super-major Star Trek Convention, ha ha! In fact, their HUGE Special Guest is none other than William Shatner. Yes, Captain James T. Kirk! They're also going to have a few actors from other TV Shows & Movies like the old Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc...It looks like a really cool event so if you live close by you should check it out. By the way, the photo I have up above, of Adam West, is a special BATMAN WALLPAPER BACKGROUND that I made to celebrate! For more information about TREK EXPO 2010 be sure to click HERE!