Our Buddy Zack was kind enough to send us some photos of his cool Batman Toy Collection. Well, part of it anyway. He explained that this is about 1/4th of his total collection & he plans to take more pics when he gets the time. But for right now all this stuff is pretty neat to see! The 1st photo is an over-all shot of 2 shelves on one wall & the other 2 pictures are close-ups of each shelf. Most of the collection looks like newer stuff from "The Dark Knight" movie and I also see some vintage items from the Tim Burton 1989 Bat-movie too! There are even a few items from the "Batman: The Animated Series" era...very cool! I imagine that one day he will have to move to another location because his collection has got too big, ha ha! That seems to be a major problem with ALL Batman Collectors. There is so much stuff that you practically need a HUGE warehouse to store it all. But for me that's what makes it such a great challenge. It can, literally, take an entire lifetime to acquire everything...it never ends & that's great! Most toy collectors end up finding every item in their category they collect & it's over. Not with Batman stuff!! Thanks for sending us these photos Zack. You have an awesome collection & I really like how things are displayed! As always I want to invite all Bat-Blog Fans to send us their photos of anything Batman-related!